Thursday, April 26, 2012

Widgets and stuff...

You may have noticed the nifty new feature to the RIGHT of my blog post. It is a Run Keeper Widget.  Run Keeper is a nifty little app that I have been using to help me keep track of my running.  I have it downloaded to my Android and linked to my facebook (I'm sure all of my friend's LOVE that!) and NOW, just for you my dear readers I have a widget on my blog as well. 

I just started using Run Keeper (the FREE version) and honestly haven't used another tracking app to compare it too but I LOVE it!  It uses your phones GPS to determine how far you've run and it let's you know every 5 minutes how far you have run and what your average pace per mile is. The run keeper tells you other things (like calories burned) but these are the most important things to me.  I don't have to worry about running the route I already mapped out just because I know exactly how far it is, if I feel like I want to go a little further I can add a few streets in and still have an accurate account of how far I ran.

 It is very important for me to know how far I have run, you see, I am kinda goal oriented.  I need a carrot, something in the distance to focus on.  Right now, what is keeping me on the road is this CRAZY idea I got in my head that I was going to get back into running (which I do love) and run in a half marathon with some of my Disney addicted friends.  Um, yeah.  I said half MARATHON (that means 13.1 miles!!!). *insert shaking head smiley here*  or slap to the forehead smiley.  Not just any half marathon though, the Disney PRINCESS Half Marathon, February 2013.  It comes with some pretty impressive bling (and I get to be all crafty and make a Princess costume...what princess should I be???). If you think I'm crazy, check out some other bloggers getting ready for the race:
Rapunzel Runs
One of Those Running People
Princess Poppins
Donna Runs Amok
Run Date Sleep

 I am very excited to be working toward this goal so I wanted to share it with all of you.  Having the Run Keeper Widget on my side bar means that you can track my progress, see what I've been up to.  Feel free to comment at any time about how AWESOME I'm doing or to tell me I'd better step up my game.  I THRIVE on kudos and atta-girls and occasionally need someone to push me to be my best, to embrace my inner Princess ;)  

I PROMISE my next blog post will be chock full of crafty goodness.  I MAY even have a tutorial for you all.  Until then, I'd love to hear what crazy goals you're working toward and what motivates you to be YOUR best.


  1. That nifty little app almost makes me want to buy a new phone and start running! almost...

    I'm excited you are going to do the Princess Half Marathon! You really do inspire me!

  2. Thanks for linking my blog! :) I love finding people who are trying for the goal as me. It's a really good form of inspiration and motivation.

    1. and thanks for commenting on mine :) I can't wait to read more of your journey!!

  3. HElp! I am trying to get the widget to work on my blog and it wont!

  4. The Princess race is a lot of fun!!! Im currently training for the Tower of Terror 10 miler and then I hope to do the Princess 1/2 in Feb. :)
